5 Million
Lifetime spend on Amazon advertising
115 Million
Retail Sales generated from Amazon Sponsored Products
Our lifetime advertising cost of sale
The year we had our first retail sale


Broadus Collection by Shante & Snoop
In 2005, Snoop and Shante Broadus’ six-year-old daughter, Cori, was diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune disease that results in hair loss. In support Shante and Snoop started wrapping their heads alongside her, making headscarves a family staple. The Broadus family was inspired to create scarves to support the Lupus community in embracing their beauty and expressing themselves through their scarves.
Philadelphia 2023 Gift Expo
This year, Avalanche Industries embarked on brand-new initiatives and trade exhibitions. We showcased our five brands: Party Rock Ornaments, North Star Christmas, Avalanche Brands, Think Fast Toys, and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Blood to hundreds of people at the Philadelphia 2023 Gift Expo. Luis Gill, Sales Manager at Avalanche (pictured) focused on working with customers to identify their needs and strategize how our brands and marketing could effectively work cohesively with what they’re already doing.

RIP-IT & Ringor 2022 Launches
2022 was a huge year for Our Prtner Brands RIP-IT and Ringor. Last year both brands came out with new products and expanded their brands to new sports as well. RIP-IT came out with the new Girl's Soccer Cleat and their Diamond Softball Cleat Collection. Ringor came out with new lines on softball cleats, such as the Filte Cleat and Flite Spike Collections.